Sunday, September 9, 2012


I havent posted in a couple days so I need to put you guys on to something new. Even when I am not posting, music is a part of my life every single day. Sometimes music is the only thing that can cheer a person up and sometimes music can also remind you of something important that you have lost or might lose. NOW....

I have been hearing a song on the radio called turn on the lights. The singing is horrible and auto tuned but for some reason its addictive. Its got the best vibe and flow. It has a line that may be familiar to you. "I wanna tell the world bout you just so they can get jealous" ....Its great

I googled it to see who the artist was. Turned out to be a guy named Future. I got on Itunes and looked the album up only to discover that atleast 4 or 5 songs on this guys album have been huge singles on the radio in the last 6 months. I was wondering how this is possible that I know eery word to these songs but havent a clue who this guy is. Turns out the songs are all featurning some other more popular artist such as T.I. or Drake so that had over shadowed the artist to whom the songs actually belonged. I bought the whole album though Im not sure it would pass the smiley test. If you dont know about the smiley test please refer to the Tom Petty article. The album is 9.99 and the single is 1.29 but for now I must only recommend buying the single ..Turn On The Lights.
Check it out.

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