Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Kesha Album...ew

Kesha has a new album coming out apparently. YAY (not really). In my opinion Kesha has next to zero talent. She had one or two catchy songs, Tik Tok and the other I cant even recall. Tik Tok was like the album of wasted superficial whores everywhere. It was catchy but I could have made it or my dog could probably make something catchy. Then every time you saw her after that she was sloppy tore up wearing something that she stole from a hooker and I even had a picture sent to my phone once of her with semen on her chest laying in some bed somewhere. Im all about partying and even taking control of your sexuality but this chick is just celebrating being a super sloppy smut. Be one or the other please or make it a rarity to be sloppy drunk atleast. Anyhow - after the popularity of those two songs wore off she went M.I.A. for 2 years and now she is back out in public because she is marketing her new album, which comes out December 4th. If I were Jay-Z I would be offended that this potato sack bodied non talent having alcoholic whore is releasing an album on my birthday. He should buy her record label just so he can shut it down.
Her new single is reportedly coming out next Tuesday. We can only hope that it is something catchy to get the girls excited at bars. That is what she is good for. I dont hate her music as much as I hate her and her music to me isnt good enough to constitute her wreckless behavior. It was okay when Madonna was a whore.  Anyhow incase you are a college guy looking for something to make bimbo sorority girls start to girate and loosen is the album cover:

On another note..the album is titled Warrior...look at the cover though. What is she a warrior of? LSD?  At the VMAs she was relying on Wiz Khalifa just to hold her up.


  1. So many parts of this made me laugh. "Potato sack body", she has the MOST horrible body for a young girl who never had a kid. Anyone remember her granny bikini. She has an old ladies body, and John Travoltas face. "Warrior of LSD", lmao! Can someone say bad, bad, horrible Photoshop by her people?! Her songs are fucking retarded, and her voice in them is annoying as fuuuucckkk. She looks unbathed everytime I see her in a video, in photos, or at award shows. And to have every song about being shit faced gets old. Or singing about how glitter oozes from ur cooch or whatever, Something like that. If i gave 2 fucks about her songs I would know. I think their is subliminal messages in her songs. The one about a hole in the wall, glory holes anyone? The one about this place about to blow, and it just keeps saying "Blow" over and over, this could be interrpreted as sex, or coke. And the nude photos are nasty. That is all I got to say about that.

    1. I found the picture and tried to post it here but failed. sadly.
